
Early in 1975, with Abbey Hill Golf Course not yet open, a group of keen golfers organized themselves into Abbey Hill Golf Club. The first captain was Ted Brookes and a few of these original members are still members today. When the course opened there was only a Terrapin building housing the Pro Shop, changing rooms and a small room called the stud bar (there was no bar). The car park was just mud. With the approval of Milton Keynes Development Corporation (MKDC), the then owners of the course, these keen golfers started organizing competitions and social events and the membership grew. Dances were held in the stud bar, with the bar run by a local pub (The Slade). The spirit of Abbey Hill was born. The first Presentation Dance was held in a marquee in the car park, dancing on the mud in their coats.

MKDC then extended the building to include a proper bar, kitchen and a large lounge/dining room with a very large picture window looking out onto the first tee. The club ran the bar and kitchen providing refreshments for all golfers playing the course not just the club members. Many dances were organized; fancy dress at Halloween was very popular, as well as whist drives and pool matches. In June 1978 the club employed the first steward Steve Carr. The club prospered

In early 1982 MKDC wanted a permanent building on the site and Greene King were contracted to build and run the new facility with the club being offered a small room within the pub. Abbey Hill Club members had been used to running the club their way and did not want just a room with no say on anything. After long negotiation MKDC agreed to allot a piece of land, at the bottom of the car park, to the club, give them the Terrapin buildings and help with the storage. So, one evening in late July 1982 several members helped demolish the clubhouse, except the pro shop and changing rooms. Without a clubhouse to meet in the club could have folded but Arthur Keightley, original member and landlord of the Duke of Edinburgh in Stony provided a meeting room and catering facilities for club matches. Work began clearing the new site for our clubhouse. The new clubhouse had a brick-built bar, cellar and kitchen with the Terrapin buildings around providing the lounge, dining area and changing rooms. Members carried out all the work on the new clubhouse, in their own time and for the love of the club.

In August 1983 the new clubhouse was opened and the first event to be held was Captains Day. Social events started again and soon the club was back to the good old days. Membership increased to such an extent that there was a waiting list and also 5-Day membership introduced. Terrapin buildings are fine but the intention was to brick around these parts but after long discussions it was decided to build a completely new brick building. MK Council (the then owners of the course) agreed to allocate a new site for the clubhouse, and Llewellyn’s were contracted to build the new clubhouse.
In August 1989 the new clubhouse was opened. Many different social events have taken place over the years including the Panto ‘Cinderella’ adapted for Abbey Hill by Barbara Willis and performed by members and staff for the enjoyment of many. Other events have included Race Nights, Live Groups, Discos and School Re-union Fancy Dress party.
Every year the Captain’s choice of a local charity benefits from the generosity of the members and the hard work of the captain. Some of the charities have included MK Hospital Buy a Bed, Willen Hospice, Heart Foundation, MacMillan Nurses, Alzheimer’s Society,and Thames Valley Air Ambulance (pictured) to name but a few.
Since the late 1970s Abbey Hill Golf Club has been a member of the National Association of Public Golf Courses (NAPGC) enjoying playing against other clubs on public golf courses. Milton Keynes is well situated to host matches from clubs in the north against clubs in the south and was used in the early days by the NAPGC as MKDC/MK Council gave courtesy. Abbey Hill has always entered teams in the Clapham Common Trophy (Men’s team knockout), the White Webb’s Trophy (Ladies team knockout), and the Hawtree Trophy (Mixed team knockout).

Club matches are always a good way to meet other golfers and play different courses. Both the men and the ladies of Abbey Hill play several matches every year. Some against local clubs and some much further afield either an NAPGC club met playing the Clapham or White Webb’s (Hounslow Heath and Stevenage) or through a member (Chesterton and Redbourn). The men’s local derby against Windmill Hill for the Construction Cup unfortunately finds Windmill’s name more often than Abbey but not 2005 when Abbey won and 2006 when it was tied (last tied in 1984). Abbey continued their success in the competition for 2007 with an amazing win by 41 holes, again in 2008 with a 10-hole winning margin playing away at Windmill and another resounding victory of 32 holes in 2009. The lady’s derby match against Windmill Hill for the Lucky Bali Trophy was fairly even but unfortunately this is no longer played for.
The last few years have seen several improvements made, including refurbishment of the club house, the patio area at the rear of the club with a covered area for smokers, and the scrubbed area cleared and a raised patio created, with the whole area fenced. A fenced garden for the long summer evenings where the kids can run about has also been included.
Abbey Hill Golf Club has been in existence for nearly 50 years here’s to the next 50.